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Club Manager/Admin FAQ

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Can I Change my name, password, and Email?
Yes, on your any page (except the help desk, and club member resource page), you will see a link that says “Account Settings” From there, you can change your name, email and password.
How Do I get started?
Please visit our Get Started Guide  to discover what needs to be done to set up your club.
How Do I Add a grooming entry?

To Add grooming entries click on the “Grooming Entries ” Menu tab. Click the “add grooming entry” button. Fill out the form and click “submit”.

You will not need to fill out another form for non funded. Simply fill out the non-funded hours, and the form will create two entries – non-funded grooming, and funded grooming.

How Do I Add a non-grooming entry?
To Add grooming entries click on the “Non-Grooming Entries” Menu tab. Click the “add non-grooming entry” button.  Fill out the form and click “submit”
Can I modify my entries after I make them?
Yes, to do this, click on either the  “Non-Grooming Entries” or “Grooming Entries ”  Menu item. This will show you all entries that have not yet been submitted for approval. You can edit, delete, and view these entries.
How About Submitting Non-Funded entries?
Both the grooming and non-grooming entries give you the opportunity to enter non-funded entries. With the grooming entry form, simply put in your non-funded hours, and this will automatically generate a non-funded form. For non-grooming entries, when you fill out the form, you have the choice of making this entry non-funded or funded.
What do I do if a piece of equipment used on a non-grooming entry isn't available on the equipment drop down list?
What do I do if a piece of equipment used on a non-grooming entry isn’t available on the equipment drop down list?

Click “Request Equipment” on the blue menu. And describe the equipment. The state will review and send you a response when/if they decide to add the equipment. 

Can I change or add groomers?

Yes. You can do this by going to the “Edit Club Profile” Icon on the right hand corner of your web page.

A Grooming unit is the combination of a puller and a drag. This is the unit that your managers and members will use to fill out the grooming form, and determine the pay rate. Once a grooming unit, puller, or drag is added, the county is the only user that can edit it.


To Add A grooming unit:

  • Create a puller and a drag first
    1. Go to your club profile, and under “Create Grooming Unit, Add Puller, and Add Drag”, and click “Add/ View Puller” or “add/View Drag”
  • Once you have added a drag and puller, go back to your profile, and click “Add Grooming Unit”.

You cannot delete grooming units, but you can make them “inactive”, meaning they cannot be picked when making entries. To do that, click on the cell on the table that says “active”, and you can switch it to “inactive”

Can I add more managers and people to enter entries?

Yes. You can do this by visiting the “Club Profile” Icon on the right hand corner of your web page. Click on the buttons under “Add/View Users”

Workers/operators: Operators/Workers will be listed as one of the options for “worker” or “operator” when submitting a grooming or non grooming entry.

Members – Can create, view, and edit entries not yet submitted to the county

Managers – Can create, view, edit entries, as well as add grooming equipment and workers

You can make members and managers inactive, not allowing them to log in by clicking “edit” next to the user, and changing their status to “inactive”.

How do I print, Save or export data?
How do I print, Save or export data?

Click on the print/save data tab for printer friendly reports, also can use the green print/PDF button on top left of all pages and export link on top left of most tables.

How do I view data from a previous season
How do I view data from a previous season

Click on the Historical Data tab, and use the login shown on that page to view historical data.

I have a question that has not been addressed in the FAQ’s. Who do I contact?
Please visit the “Help Desk” icon on the top right hand portion of your screen. You can fill out a form, and we will address you question as quickly as possible.